Corporate Social Responsibility
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Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
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Mobile’s Growing Role In Corporate Social Responsibility

Mobile’s Growing Role In Corporate Social Responsibility | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Mobile’s unparalleled reach is great for keeping in touch. And businesses are realizing its value in their corporate social responsibility efforts.
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Politics and Corporate Social Responsibility — The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation

Politics and Corporate Social Responsibility - The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation - A law and economics blog from the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance that gathers the latest news,...
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Through The Eyes Of The Experts: A Look Ahead At Corporate Responsibility in 2014

Through The Eyes Of The Experts: A Look Ahead At Corporate Responsibility in 2014 | Corporate Social Responsibility |
During the holidays, I reached out to some brilliant minds in the sustainability field to find out what is on tap for 2014 in the world of corporate responsibility. What are the big bets? What is on the horizon?
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Making the Choice Between Money and Meaning

Making the Choice Between Money and Meaning | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Reducing the friction between work that has meaning and work that pays well.
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Does Corporate Social Responsibility Increase Profits? | Business Ethics

Does Corporate Social Responsibility Increase Profits? | Business Ethics | Corporate Social Responsibility |
by Ron Robins, Investing for the Soul It is generally held that corporate social responsibility (CSR) could increase company profits and thus most large companies are actively engaged in it.
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How Corporate Citizenship Impacts Employee Engagement :: Master's in Learning & Organizational Change :: Northwestern University

How Corporate Citizenship Impacts Employee Engagement :: Master's in Learning & Organizational Change :: Northwestern University | Corporate Social Responsibility |
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Politics and Corporate Social Responsibility — The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation

Politics and Corporate Social Responsibility — The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Politics and Corporate Social Responsibility - The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation - A law and economics blog from the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance that gathers the latest news,...
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Sustainability Trends for 2013

Sustainability Trends for 2013 | Corporate Social Responsibility |
The Pervasiveness of Sustainability: Three Trends That Matter in 2013. The hunger to know what is ‘trending’ is insatiable.
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India – Corporate Social Responsibility. | Conventus Law

India – Corporate Social Responsibility. | Conventus Law | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Conventus is the Latin word for assembly and we chose the tree in our logo to represent knowledge. Putting this together, Conventus Law simply assembles legal knowledge to serve the legal community.
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Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing: Best Content of the Year

Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing: Best Content of the Year | Corporate Social Responsibility |
The “Best Content” series brings you a handful of the most thought-provoking and informative articles, reports, and webinars related to CSR branding and marketing published over the last year, broken down into bite-sized pieces.
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The Corporate Social Responsibility Report and Effective Stakeholder Engagement — The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation

The Corporate Social Responsibility Report and Effective Stakeholder Engagement — The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation | Corporate Social Responsibility |
The Corporate Social Responsibility Report and Effective Stakeholder Engagement - The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation - A law and economics blog from the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance...
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The FM's Guide to Healthy Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility

The FM's Guide to Healthy Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Discover what facilities managers need to know about ethical practices and responsible corporate sustainability.
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Download Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2013 | KPMG | GLOBAL

Download Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2013 | KPMG | GLOBAL | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Global trends in Corporate Responsibility reporting across 41 countries and a deep-dive into CR reporting quality among the world’s largest companies.
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Investors Swayed by Corporate Social Responsibility Reputation

Investors Swayed by Corporate Social Responsibility Reputation | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Many investors are strongly affected by a company s corporate social responsibility whether they know it or not, according to a new study by a group of accounting professors, and should take into account a company s CSR record when picking stocks.
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A Conversation On Corporate Social Responsibility

A Conversation On Corporate Social Responsibility | Corporate Social Responsibility |
In the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR), one of the true pioneers over the last few decades has been John Paluszek. His seminal books on CSR – Organizing For Corporate Social Responsibility and Will The Corporation Survive?
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The CSR Report – Best Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility for 2014

The CSR Report – Best Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility for 2014 | Corporate Social Responsibility |
The year 2014 is likely to become among other things, the year that CSR best practices take root in American corporate culture. Why? Well the indicators are everywhere, from increased public awaren...
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Can Women Lead The Social Enterprise Revolution?

Can Women Lead The Social Enterprise Revolution? | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Women have long occupied roles in support of social causes. But do they have the business prowess to lead lasting change in the social enterprise field?
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Has Facebook Heard of 'Corporate Social Responsibility'?

Has Facebook Heard of 'Corporate Social Responsibility'? | Corporate Social Responsibility |
By Dr. Todd Bacile | September 30, 2013 Facebook & Corporate Social Responsibility For such a young company, Facebook already has created numerous debates about its ethical / legal use of consu...
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Great CSR Leadership Examples for 2014

Great CSR Leadership Examples for 2014 | Corporate Social Responsibility |
CSR leaders that will shape the business environment in 2014
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Five 2013 CSR Best Practices That Grew Profits

Five 2013 CSR Best Practices That Grew Profits | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Corporate social responsibility made the leap in 2013 from being a “do good” corporate responsibility to a best practice for growing profits.
Madeleine Wilson's curator insight, March 19, 2014 10:32 PM

Five 2013 CSR Best Practices That Grew Profits

This article highlights the 5 best CSR practices that were able to grow profits in 2013. I really enjoyed this article, namely because it introduced some new ideas which hadn’t been touched upon in CSR Lecture or Seminar this year. Some highlights of the article which I truly enjoyed as new and interesting CSR practices include:


Today, the fast food industry is losing money because their unique selling point of selling quick, inexpensive food to customers no longer holds true. Their food is quickly escalating in price, making a cheap drive thru pit stop running customers the equivalent of stepping out to a restaurant. Also, it can no longer be denied that fast food is not a healthy meal option. With food chains such as Panera selling quick, healthy and cost effective meals, fast food chains are having to provide healthier alternatives than their typical burger and fries.


In 2013, Ford profiled their customers. What they discovered is that customers wanted to be able to trust the corporations they did business with. With a middle class that today must stretch their monthly budgets larger than ever before, customers also want a fair price on what they buy. Customers want it all. However, trust won out over having a cheaply priced item if they company selling the item did not seem authentic in any of their practices. Transparency seems to be key in wining over new customers when the price of the product is already successful.


Lastly, the last point that intrigued me in this article was how hiring women to assume leadership roles in a company has been shown to increase profits. I enjoyed this paragraph, because even in the twenty-first century, women do not garner the same respect in the workforce (especially in business) as their male counterparts do. Women still make less than men for the same job in industry. As a CSR practice to embrace in 2013 and onwards, including women in leadership roles was not something I would have considered. Following the Stakeholder Management Model, it makes sense, however. By including everyone in the decision making process at a company, more input can be made by all parties. New insights and ideas can lead to creativity and ideas that may never have been brought forward in the company.!

Should CEOs Act as Chief Sustainability Officers?

Should CEOs Act as Chief Sustainability Officers? | Corporate Social Responsibility |
I am certain you’ve seen the ads on TV and in newspapers.
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Why Corporate Social Responsibility is the future for brands

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is the future for brands | Corporate Social Responsibility |
More and more CSR is being defined by how a company runs its operations and makes its profits; and just firms donating money to charities.
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Why Social Media Is Vital to Corporate Social Responsibility

Why Social Media Is Vital to Corporate Social Responsibility | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Melissa Jun Rowley is a freelance entertainment correspondent for CNN, a writer for Causecast, and producer for "That Morning Show" on E! Entertainment. She is @MelissaRowley on...
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Mobile’s Growing Role in Corporate Social Responsibility | ZDNet

Mobile’s Growing Role in Corporate Social Responsibility | ZDNet | Corporate Social Responsibility |
Mobile’s unparalleled reach is great for keeping in touch with loved ones. It’s even better when disaster strikes, as it has the ability to connect people who need help no matter where they are.
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